Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Bipolar Epiphany: Being Alone is OK

I realized tonight that there is something to be said for solitude. Sitting alone at my daughter's play made me think about what being alone was really like.

There are a lot of pros and cons to being alone. When I'm depressed, I can fall into being alone quite well. I simply don't care to be around people, not even my family. Hell, not even myself.

Of course, as social creatures, we are supposed to want to be around others, to socialize. I don't know if that ever applied to me but I feel like it most certainly doesn't apply to me now.

I stay here for the wife and kids. But does it matter? Do they care? Sometimes I feel like I'm just a paycheck. They couldn't care less if I died, as long as they have money coming into the household. I have a substantial life insurance policy that I pay a pretty penny for. It's term life, so that helps, but no accumulation value. So, to get any value out of it I need to die in the next 14 years or so, lol. I'm "laughing out loud" but not really laughing on the inside. There are days I wish for death.

Just to be alone.

But it's okay, really. I do get my personal "alone time." I'm not going to do anything stupid. I just realized that I do need to be alone sometimes and that is okay.

The same goes for YOU, too. 

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